Articles by Olga Scherbina
BC SAP Training Framework

Client/Contract Holder: CBMercer & Associates
Funder: Ministry of Attorney Genera, Settlement and Multiculturalism Division
Project Timeline: September 2006 — January 2007 Area …
BC SAP Sectoral Training Framework Project Report is submitted to the Ministry
CBMercer & Associates was approached by the Ministry to develop a BC SAP Training Framework. The Ministry of Attorney General, Multiculturalism and Settlement Division, envisioned a coordinated, competency-based training approach that demonstrates results that are …
Maple Bamboo Initiative – Immigrant Public Involvement
Olga Scherbina was hired as a Project Coordinator for the Maple Bamboo Initiative — a MHHS pilot project to increase immigrant civic involvement.
In baseball, the maple bamboo bat is considered one of the best training bats, having a tensile strength greater than steel, performing …
Immigrant Skills Transferability: Culture in Human Capital, 2006

This is one of the first studies Olga Shcherbyna conducted while being a student at UBC. In this essay, she challenges the notion of ‘must happen’ complete human capital transferability from one country to another. She …
Over 80 per cent of visible minority respondents used the Internet to find the job
In Canada, a Public Service Commission study in 2001 found that 68 per cent of visible minority respondents used the Internet and that 80 per cent of these used the Internet to check the site. The study’s respondents reported applying for …