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BC SAP Training Framework

Submitted by on January 31, 2007 – 6:47 pmNo Comment | 1,839 views

Client/Contract Holder: CBMercer & Associates
Funder: Ministry of Attorney Genera, Settlement and Multiculturalism Division
Project TimelineSeptember 2006 — January 2007                                      Area of ExpertiseProject Management / Stakeholder Collaboration / “Best Practice” Research

CBMercer and Associates was contracted by the Ministry to explore various approaches to sectoral training in other jurisdictions across Canada; to solicit the opinions of key informants with experience in the delivery of training and professional development services to language instructors, settlement workers, and other support staff; and to develop a training framework that would be supported broadly within the settlement sector.

Olga Shcherbyna, assumed many critical responsibilities pertaining to the development, distribution, and analysis of the survey; provided a thorough analysis of the identified training approaches; and assisted in conceptualizing the training framework.


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