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Over 80 per cent of visible minority respondents used the Internet to find the job

Submitted by on October 2, 2006 – 9:37 pmNo Comment | 2,519 views

In Canada, a Public Service Commission study in 2001 found that 68 per cent of visible minority respondents used the Internet and that 80 per cent of these used the Internet to check the jobs.gc.ca site. The study’s respondents reported applying for jobs on-line (73 per cent) and investigating the web sites of potential employers (72 per cent).

Visible minorities were also more likely to use e-mail to communicate with both contacts and potential employers (46 per cent) than other recruits (35 per cent). The study’s conclusion? When access to the Internet is available, «visible minorities are intensive and consistent users of the Internet as a job search tool.»


Source: The Conference Board of Canada, Business Critical: Maximizing the Talents of Visible Minorities. See full Guide

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