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Articles tagged with: policy

An Update of City of Richmond’s Youth Service Plan 2008-2012

June 21, 2014 – 7:06 am | 3,759 views

Diversity Clues Consulting Inc. was retained by SPARC BC as a partnering consulting agency to update the Richmond’s Youth Service Plan 2008-2012.
Project: An Update of the Richmond Youth Service Plan 2008-2012
Client: SPARC BC for the …

An article in PLAN Canada: Contemporary Practices in Social Planning

May 14, 2014 – 6:06 am | 4,248 views

Lessons from Comprehensive Social Plan Development
by Angeles, L., O. Shcherbyna, and J. Foster
PLAN Canada, Spring 2014 issue. Vol. 54 No. 1
Canadian municipalities have increasingly become responsible for social service delivery and infrastructure maintenance since the …

Foundation Report: An Environmental Scan of City of Richmond’s Youth-related Demographics, Policies and Functions

January 15, 2014 – 12:13 am | 4,983 views

The purpose of this Environmental Scan Report (the Report) is to provide updated data and information relevant to the youth in Richmond to inform the update of the Youth Service Plan 2013-2017. Diversity Clues Consulting …

ESL Students Should Be Awarded Credits for their English Classes by BC’s schools

January 2, 2014 – 5:46 pm | 5,770 views

A GROUP OF young immigrants and refugees has ranked improved language policies at the top of a list of recommendations that could improve the lives of newcomers to Canada.
Their policy suggestions are outlined in an …

Social Policy Update: Richmond’s Youth Service Plan

October 10, 2013 – 7:28 am | 2,569 views

Client: City of Richmond, Community Services
Project Timeline: 2013-2014
Area of Expertise: Project Management / Research / Policy Development / Municipal Planning. Diversity Clues was contracted to work on the deliverables for Area 2, 4, 5 and …