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Articles tagged with: foreign credential recognition

An Inventory of BC’s Bridging Programs for Immigrant Professionals.

November 15, 2013 – 7:50 am | 1,350 views

DiversityCLUES Consulting was retained by  UBC – Centre for Intercultural Communication to conduct an environmental scan of BC’s bridging programs for internationally-trained professionals.
Project: Environmental Scan of BC’s Bridging Programs for Internationally-Trained Professionals
Client:  UBC, Continuing Education, Centre for …

Environmental Scan of B.C.’s Bridging Program for Internationally-trained Professionals

August 11, 2013 – 11:48 pm | 3,035 views

The research was commissioned by the Centre for Intercultural Communication, UBC Continuing Studies with the objective of developing a more thorough understanding of the local landscape of immigrant bridging programs delivered in British Columbia. The …

New website for Engineer Newcomers

February 8, 2013 – 6:06 am | 3,920 views

A new website launched by Engineers Canada and funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada provides international engineering graduates with a single, comprehensive source of high-quality information about how to become a licensed engineer in Canada. …

Investigating the Barriers and Challenges of the Foreign Credential Recognition Process for Internationally Trained Professionals

February 7, 2013 – 3:37 pm | 2,765 views

In collaboration with the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR) Loan Project, Life Strategies is conducting four focus groups with ITPs, one for each of the following sectors: health care, engineering, finance and accounting, and legal. …

BC Immigrant Professionals Conference 2013

February 2, 2013 – 10:10 pm | 7,726 views

MOSAIC, ISS of BC and DIVERSEcity are presenting the third annual BC Immigrant Professional Conference. The full-day conference will take place on March 16, 2013 AT THE HILTON HOTEL, 6083 McKay Avenue, Burnaby (9:00 A.M. …