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Articles tagged with: immigration

Planning Canada: A Case Study Approach

June 18, 2019 – 6:15 am | Comments Off on Planning Canada: A Case Study Approach | 1,621 views

Olga Shcherbyna, along with Nora Angeles and John Foster, co-authored a chapter in a new Canadian planning textbook (2016) which brings together a collection of essays and studies covering a wide array of planning topics.
Edited by Ren …

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business critics the new Express Entry Immigration Class

December 27, 2015 – 10:31 am | 2,746 views

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business, which represents roughly 109,000 small businesses, has traditionally supported the Conservative government’s business-friendly proposals, but it criticized the tightening of rules around temporary foreign workers.
‘It still prohibits lower-skilled workers …

The US Cities Rolling Out the Welcome Mat

March 22, 2015 – 7:42 am | 5,302 views

THREE years ago Jenny Salgado, a Dominican shop assistant, moved to Highlandtown, a neighbourhood of pleasant terraces and unpleasant derelict factories in Baltimore. She moved because the cost of living in New York was too …

UBC Geography department unable to release neighbourhood-specific data on investor-class immigrants

March 15, 2015 – 4:11 pm | 2,649 views

Richmond’s planning committee has asked city staff to “provide council with data related to overseas buyers of property in the city,” according to a referral.
However, the Richmond News has learned municipal data from Citizenship and Immigration Canada …

Immigration to Britain has not increased unemployment or reduced wages, UK study finds

March 1, 2015 – 7:21 am | 2,931 views

Immigration to Britain has not increased unemployment or reduced wages, a major new study has concluded.
Researchers at the London School of Economics looked at the levels of immigration to each of Britain’s counties, and compared …