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Volunteer Opportunity for New Immigrants in Surrey

Submitted by on April 20, 2014 – 6:42 amNo Comment | 6,389 views

The Surrey Welcoming Communities Action Plan is Surrey community’s response to a pressing challenge of making this community more inclusive and welcoming. The Surrey Welcoming Communities Project (SWCP) brings together 25 agencies, organizations and institutions, all committed to advancing Surrey’s progress as a priority part of a BC-wide “welcome” initiative.

The Welcoming Spaces and Workplaces initiative is supported by a project advisory comprised of several members of the Surrey Welcoming Communities Committee. Currently, the initiative is seeking volunteers to participate in a study on the welcoming nature of our community.

Volunteers will:

  • Visit local organizations
  • Record their experience
  • Note best practices
  • Make recommendations

To learn and register, visit SWCP website

Supported by Welcome BC, SWCP will build on the needs and goals identified by that provincial agency. The fundamental goal of our multi-faceted plan is to dramatically enhance the welcoming nature of our community, and fulfill the vision of “a place for all.”

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