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Articles tagged with: Inclusive cities

What’s wrong with being a “leftie socialist”?

February 19, 2015 – 5:06 am | 4,276 views

I am biased. Any programs that any Canadian municipality introduces with the goal of being a more inclusive service provider and employer makes me happy. Some may even call me a “leftie socialist” as did …

Volunteer Opportunity for New Immigrants in Surrey

April 20, 2014 – 6:42 am | 6,389 views

The Surrey Welcoming Communities Action Plan is Surrey community’s response to a pressing challenge of making this community more inclusive and welcoming. The Surrey Welcoming Communities Project (SWCP) brings together 25 agencies, organizations and institutions, …

Intercultural community flashmob: building community through dance

February 5, 2014 – 8:59 am | 2,306 views

Kensington-Cedar Cottage is a culturally and demographically diverse neighbourhood with one of the highest populations of new immigrants in Vancouver. It is also well-connected community with a strong history of social activism where residents form …