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Articles by Olga Scherbina

Changing the rules on immigration changes Canada’s narrative

February 13, 2015 – 7:55 am | 2,407 views

Consider the story of Sarmad Chowdhury, covered earlier this week in The Globe and Mail. A foreign student to Canada, he completed his education from the University of Toronto in Scarborough. He has a job …

Our Whole Society: Bridging the Religious-Secular Divide – Forum in Vancouver March 22-24, 2015

February 13, 2015 – 7:32 am | 2,249 views

What does it mean to build a “whole society”? What is the purpose of secularism, and what are its limits? How can we re-conceptualize the role of religion in Canadian public life? What is the …

HRMA Diversity and Inclusion Roundtable (New West.) NEW! – Making the Business Case for Your Workplace

February 7, 2015 – 6:23 am | 2,304 views

 Making a Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion in your Workplace, Facilitated by Geoff Frost and Presented by Tej Singh Hazra, Head of Diversity and Inclusion for HSBC Bank Canada. Prior to joining HSBC Bank …

Chinese immigrants happy with life in Metro Vancouver: survey But many are disappointed at job prospects, cost of living

February 6, 2015 – 7:52 pm | 2,327 views

Metro Vancouver’s Chinese immigrants are generally happy with their new lives in Canada, in particular the quality of government services and the level of political freedom here, according to a survey by Insights West.
But the …

Vancouver least welcoming of Canadian cities: Survey respondents were most likely to move to Vancouver for lifestyle reasons

February 6, 2015 – 7:50 pm | 1,969 views

Vancouver was ranked the least welcoming Canadian city in an HSBC survey released Thursday that polled immigrants about their relocation experience.
While 73 per cent of survey respondents said they found Vancouver a welcoming city, it …