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HRMA Diversity and Inclusion Roundtable (New West.) NEW! – Making the Business Case for Your Workplace

Submitted by on February 7, 2015 – 6:23 amNo Comment | 2,162 views

 Making a Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion in your Workplace, Facilitated by Geoff Frost and Presented by Tej Singh Hazra, Head of Diversity and Inclusion for HSBC Bank Canada. Prior to joining HSBC Bank Canada, Tej Singh Hazra was the head of Diversity & Inclusion for IBM Canada, where he established an Accountability Framework, positioning Diversity & Inclusion as a business owned program. At this session Tej Singh Hazra will share his experience in leading organizations to embrace diversity and inclusion strategies and the business case of why these strategies are critical for organizations today.

Date: February 10, 2015
Event start time: 5:30pm PST
Location: Douglas College

CHRP credits: 1.5

Welcome back to the new Diversity and Inclusion Roundtable! This first event at Douglas College is the second event of the series of roundtables taking place alternately in Vancouver and New Westminster. Go to the HRMA Calendar under Greater Vancouver for the New Westminster events and Coastal Vancouver for the Vancouver event’s dates and times.

DID YOU KNOW? When employees feel that they have a more diverse and inclusive workforce, turnover can be almost 20 percent lower and employee effort can be nearly 12 percent higher. We will learn about the importance of investing in building diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace. Join us to explore ways you can establish a business case for Diversity and Inclusion in your organization. Questions and experience sharing is encouraged and confidential. Connect, Learn and Grow!
– See more at: https://eweb.hrma.ca/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?webcode=EventInfo&RegPath=EventRegFees&REg_evt_key=a7f291b7-5e57-4f3c-a44c-23ce2a1912f9&Evt_guest_limit=0#sthash.Ui7NOTtC.Sn0e1Wyw.dpuf

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