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Chinese immigrants happy with life in Metro Vancouver: survey But many are disappointed at job prospects, cost of living

Submitted by on February 6, 2015 – 7:52 pmNo Comment | 2,243 views

Metro Vancouver’s Chinese immigrants are generally happy with their new lives in Canada, in particular the quality of government services and the level of political freedom here, according to a survey by Insights West.

But the same survey finds many are also disappointed at the job opportunities and cost of living in their adopted country.

The online survey, which is being released on Thursday, asked 231 Chinese immigrants in Metro Vancouver to compare their lives in Canada to where they came from based on 15 different characteristics.

The survey found Chinese immigrants are very happy with their level of political freedom in Canada, with 77 per cent saying it’s better here and only two per cent saying it’s worse. They also like the weather, with 81 per cent saying the climate here is better than where they came from. And government services get a thumbs up, with 68 per cent saying Canada’s health care system is better and 67 per cent preferring our education system.

Immigrants are less impressed, however, with the job opportunities available to them in this country. Just 39 per cent say their job opportunities in Canada are better than in their country of origin, compared to 42 per cent who say they’re worse.

The cost of living in Metro Vancouver is also a concern, with 45 per cent saying life is more costly here.

Source: By Chad Skelton, Vancouver Sun September 17, 2014

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