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What’s wrong with being a “leftie socialist”?

Submitted by on February 19, 2015 – 5:06 amNo Comment | 4,585 views

I am biased. Any programs that any Canadian municipality introduces with the goal of being a more inclusive service provider and employer makes me happy. Some may even call me a “leftie socialist” as did one of the folks leaving comments to the Toronto Star article initiated by the City of Toronto employee. The employee was “insulted” by the diversity survey that was initiated by City’s administration. While the guy [who left a comment] did not call me “leftie socialist” and talked about Toronto’s new leadership (new Mayor John Tory) I think I would fit a “socialist” profile and be honoured to be one.

I 100% support the idea of the survey. The survey asks 37,000 employees the questions about their ethnicity, sexual orientation and health and disabilities to “access to employment”. It costs the City only $6,000 to administer it and while I would like the City to include an “immigrant” as one of the designated categories in the survey I believe the survey cost is justifiable and it is an important tool which provides City’s administrators with the an opportunity to better understand whether City’s workforce is truly representative of the population it serves. The same population who pays taxes and funds the City.

I do not see how this kind of survey can lead to discriminating”white able-bodied folks” and some of the comments to the article make it crystal clear to me that the work that my colleagues and I are fortunate to do – to make Canadian cities more welcoming and inclusive – is much needed and we have a long road before us.

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