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Toronto’s corporate sector leadership is the least diverse, study reveals

Submitted by on June 13, 2011 – 7:43 pmNo Comment | 2,325 views

On June 10, 2011 Ryerson University’s Diversity Institute released the results of its DiverseCity Counts report. DiverseCity Counts is a research project which has tracked rates of diversity among leaders in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) for the last three years. It is part of DiverseCity: The Greater Toronto Leadership Project, an initiative of the Maytree Foundation and the Greater Toronto CivicAction Alliance (former Toronto City Summit Alliance).

In 2009, the study found that slightly over 13% of the 3,256 leaders analysed were visible minorities, compared to almost 50% of the population in the GTA. In 2011, the study revealed some very slight but positive changes: in total, 14.5% of 3,330 leaders in organizations which participated in the study were members of visible minority groups.

The study found that rates of diversity very greatly between sectors. So, for example, the largest increase of visible minority leaders was found in the elected officials sector (from 16% to 19% in three years). However, corporate sector leadership was found to be the least diverse. (Only 4.2% of leadership positions). Particularly, the project reveals that ‘visible minorities are under-represented as leaders throughout the legal sector.’ The project calls for more resources and focus on assisting visible minorities access leadership roles in the legal profession.

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