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The Canadian Federation of Independent Business critics the new Express Entry Immigration Class

Submitted by on December 27, 2015 – 10:31 amNo Comment | 2,746 views

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business, which represents roughly 109,000 small businesses, has traditionally supported the Conservative government’s business-friendly proposals, but it criticized the tightening of rules around temporary foreign workers.

‘It still prohibits lower-skilled workers from coming to Canada and taking the jobs that are going begging.’
– Dan Kelly, Canadian Federation of Independent Business. Dan Kelly, chief executive of the CFIB, told CBC News his group is “a big fan” of the new system, except for the fact that “it will do zero” for employers looking to fill low-wage or low-skilled jobs.

“That is our criticism of the express entry system, that it still prohibits lower-skilled workers from coming to Canada and taking the jobs that are going begging in our economy,” Kelly said in a telephone interview Thursday. “Decades ago, when many of our ancestors came to Canada … they didn’t come to Canada to take jobs in a lab,” Kelly said. “They came to work on a farm.”

Alexander has said the new express entry system will transform the way Canada has been accepting skilled immigrants for the last generation.

Source: By Susana Mas, CBC News Nov 21, 2014

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