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Social Policy Update: Richmond’s Youth Service Plan

Submitted by on October 10, 2013 – 7:28 amNo Comment | 2,570 views

Client: City of Richmond, Community Services
Project Timeline: 2013-2014
Area of Expertise: Project Management / Research / Policy Development / Municipal Planning. Diversity Clues was contracted to work on the deliverables for Area 2, 4, 5 and 6.
Team members: Olga Shcherbyna as a Project Manager and Senior Researcher; Isabella Matk and Maureen Mendoza, as Researchers.

SPARC BC, Peer Net and Diversity Clues Consulting Inc. were retained to assist staff with the preparation of an update to the Youth Service Plan for the City (2013-2018). The existing Youth Service Plan (2008-2012) “Where Youth Thrive” aims to create an environment that generates opportunities for Richmond’s youth to have a safe and healthy journey into adulthood, equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and social connections to make informed decisions about their life and the contributions they wish to make to their community.

Although the content of the document is still relevant, the updated Youth Service Plan for 2013-2017 should reflect any pertinent changes to the City (e.g. departmental realignment) and community (e.g. demographics, agency realignment), address the appropriateness of the overall document moving forward, and from the assessment, prepare an updated plan for 2013-2018.

Working closely with City staff, the Consultant will be responsible for 6 (six) key areas of work:
a) Area 1 (One): Critical information consolidation, environmental scan, analysis and evaluation of current Youth Service Plan;
b) Area 2 (Two) Visioning and Youth Service Plan Update Development; help the City to define what we are planning to accomplish with the Youth Service Plan Update;
c) Area 3 (Three): Youth and Community Engagement Process;
d) Area 4 (Four): Draft Report Preparation;
e) Area 5 (Five): Stakeholder Consultation;
f) Area 6 (Six): Report Finalization.

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