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An Update of City of Richmond’s Youth Service Plan 2008-2012

Submitted by on June 21, 2014 – 7:06 amNo Comment | 3,760 views

UpdateDiversity Clues Consulting Inc. was retained by SPARC BC as a partnering consulting agency to update the Richmond’s Youth Service Plan 2008-2012.

Project: An Update of the Richmond Youth Service Plan 2008-2012
Client: SPARC BC for the City of Richmond
Project Timeline: 2014
Area of Expertise: Project Management / Research / Data Analysis / Writing
Olga Shcherbyna as a Project Manager, Senior Researcher and Writer; Isabella Matk and Maureen Mendoza, as Researchers and Writers.

PHASE 1: to conduct an environmental scan of existing services, programs and policies relevant to Richmond’s youth and develop an updated youth community profile. The final report was submitted to the City of Richmond in December 2013. The purpose of the Environmental Scan Report (the Report) was to (1) to update, analyze and consolidate demographic data and information relevant to the youth in Richmond; (2) to review existing Youth Service Plan and the programs,policies, functions and services relevant to the youth in Richmond; (3) to explore “promising practices” in developing and implementing the youth strategies in other urban, multicultural cities. The findings were to inform the update of the Youth Service Plan 2014-2018.

PHASE 2: to consolidate the findings from public and stakeholder consultations with the findings from the environmental scan and write an updated Youth Service Plan 2014-2018.

Learn more about past DiversityCLUES Consulting projects

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