Outreach Strategy for Neighbourhood Small Grants in Central Vancouver
Project: NSG Outreach Strategy for Central Vancouver
Client: Little Mountain Neighbourhood House
Project Timeline: 2014 Area of Expertise: Project Management / Outreach / Volunteer Coordination / Event Planning
The Little Mountain and Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Houses boundaries have expanded in 2013 from 41st Ave and Cambie St north to 1st Ave and Cambie St and west to 41st Ave. and Granville St. south to 1st Ave and Granville St. Diversity Clues Consulting Inc. was retained to develop and oversee the implementation of an outreach strategy with the focus on new geographic areas in the Central Vancouver.
The goal of the strategy is to attract new and diverse grant applicants and members of the Resident Advisory Committee. The Outreach Consultant will work closely with the Promotion Committee to develop and guide an outreach strategy, conduct presentations and attend promotional events. For more information about the project see http://neighbourhoodsmallgrants.ca.
Tags: British Columbia, community, diverse, grants, immigrants, Mount Pleasant, Neighbourhood Small Grants, outreach, Public Engagement, seniors, Vancouver, vancouver foundation, youth