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Intercultural Studies Symposium 2014 Symposium: The Changing Face of Inclusion in Canadian Workplaces: Questions and Strategies – May 16, 2014

Submitted by on May 4, 2014 – 6:12 amNo Comment | 2,755 views
  • When: May 16, 2014
  • Where: UBC, Vancouver, BC

Join the Centre for Intercultural Communication for a one-day symposium that focuses on creative pathways to move communities, campuses and organizations into inclusion. Expert panelists lead presentations and discussions on exceptional practices in Aboriginal recruitment and inclusion, transgender and gender variant inclusion and mental health inclusion in the work place.

Discussions focus on practical strategies for supporting ongoing inclusive intercultural engagement, acknowledging an awareness of barriers, and finding ways to empower participants, employees and teams to embrace differences to create a just and equitable society. Everyone is invited to attend and participate.

Learn more

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