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Ethnic Vote Counts! Using taxpayers resources for political gains – Not So Much!

Submitted by on March 1, 2013 – 10:37 amNo Comment | 2,300 views

Can you use taxpayers resources to gain ethnic votes? Apparently, our ruling provincial government believes that is is OK. When Clark’s 17-page ethnic outreach plan which assumes involving the premier’s office, the multiculturalism ministry, the government office, etc. was leaked to media our Premier Christy Clark called the plan “unacceptable”, and claimed that she was not aware of this strategy and as Globe and Mail reported that Clark’s staff let her down. Premier issued an apology and promised that the situation will be dealt with and ““The consequences of bad behaviour could go all the way up to termination.” Let’s see how much clarity and accountability we will get when Premier’s deputy is investigating the matter.

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