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CIC launched new website to promote innovative approaches in foreign credential evaluation in Canada

Submitted by on February 1, 2013 – 5:45 pmNo Comment | 2,835 views

Citizenship and Immigration Canada has launched a website promoting innovations in the assessment and recognition of foreign worker qualifications.

The International Qualification Network (IQN) website serves as a virtual space for employers, regulatory bodies, governments and organizations serving immigrants to capitalize on promising qualification assessment and recognition practices.

Learn more about this resource

Learn about “real” and “perceived” barriers in foreign credential recognition processes in BC > Summary Report

Initiatives in the following occupations are featured on CIC website:


Architects Dentists
Engineers Engineering Technicians
Financial Auditors and Accountants Licensed Practical Nurses
Medical Laboratory Technologists Medical Radiation Technologists
Occupational Therapists Physicians
Pharmacists Teachers (K-12)
Registered Nurses  





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