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White-colar jobs for skilled immigrants in the US

Submitted by on May 10, 2010 – 9:36 pmNo Comment | 2,355 views

According to a new analysis of census data in the US, more than half of the working immigrants in 14 of 25 largest metropolitan areas, like Boston, New York and San Francisco, are employed in higher-paying white-collar jobs. More immigrants work as professionals, technicians or administrators – rather than lower-paying labor-intensive work like construction, manufacturing, or cleaning.

David Dyssegaard Kallick, director for immigration research at the Fiscal Policy Institute said that the United States receive a variety of skilled immigrants than the public seems to realize. The findings are significant because Americans’s views of immigration are based largely on the work immigrants do, and, in general, americans are much more in favor of high-skilled immigrants”….

Source: The New York Times, Read full article

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