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UBC opens boot camp for aspiring politicians

Submitted by on May 6, 2013 – 10:38 amNo Comment | 3,553 views

Over the last four years Samara has conducted 79 Exit Interviews with former Members of Parliament to learn what is working, and what isn’t, in the House of Commons.

One thing former MPs brought up regularly was the lack of training they received when entering Parliament. “I think we all did rather well. But were we prepared? No, I don’t think there is any school for preparation for being a Member of Parliament” said one MP. “If you could arrive at Parliament knowing the way it works and all of those things, then you (could) be more productive from day one,” said another. In response to our Member of Parliament Exit Interviews, Parliament did initiate a formal orientation process after the last election, but more needs to be done for people considering entering politics.

The University of British Columbia’s new Summer Institute for Future Legislators has taken up the challenge.

The non-partisan Summer Institute will provide mentorship and workshops on a range of topics including ethics, Canada’s constitution, lawmaking, budgeting and work/life balance. Guest lecturers will include former Members of Parliament, party leaders, and cabinet ministers from across the political spectrum. Political journalists will also provide advice on media relations and communications. Full article

Source: Samara

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