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Trout Lake Centre Welcomes Immigrants

Submitted by on January 17, 2014 – 7:23 amNo Comment | 4,623 views

TroutLakeWelcomesNewcomers8Sessions_PosterTrout Lake Community Centre, in partnership with Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House, is offering eight sessions aimed to welcome newcomer immigrants to the neighbourhood. Different topics will be covered during each session and guest presenters, representing either public agencies or a service providers from the neighbourhood, will present about volunteering opportunities in the neighbourhood, job search services, free English classes, foreign credential recognition services, support to ESL students in pubic schools, and other.

The sessions will run for eight weeks, starting January 16th.

To register: call 604 257-6955 to register or come in person to Trout Lake Community Centre at 3360 Victoria Drive (between 15th and 19th Ave) or register on line at www.troutlakecc.com

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