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Tips from TD Canada Trust leader to improve your ROI on diversity in the workforce

Submitted by on February 14, 2013 – 10:26 amNo Comment | 2,036 views

In a recent article on Huffington Post, Tim Hockey, President & CEO, TD Canada Trust shared his thoughts about how other organizations can benefit from making their operational practices more inclusive. Tim identified five tips to improve organizational ROI on diversity and inclusion:

  1. “Be authentic. A true commitment to diversity is not a tick the box exercise. It’s a multi-pronged approach that takes years to implement and drive engagement.
  2. Get your house in order. This means, whatever you do for your customers, do the same for your employees.
  3. Next, invest in the community. No business operates in a vacuum. Show that you value your customers’ business by being an active partner in their community.
  4. It’s also important to recruit for your market.
  5. Be strategic. Businesses use market research in countless ways. Why wouldn’t you use it to better understand the needs of your diverse customers?”

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Source: Huffington Post

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