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The 2009 ALLIES Learning Exchange – in Vancouver

Submitted by on June 1, 2009 – 9:58 pmNo Comment | 2,018 views

“…Join over 150 participants from 17 city regions across Canada and learn about issues and strategies to actively promote the employment of skilled immigrants. The 2009 ALLIES Learning Exchange will bring together local stakeholders, including businesses, civic leaders, universities and colleges, immigrant agencies, and all levels of government in participating communities such as Halifax, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver…”

“…ALLIES provides funding and supports cities in their efforts to learn from, adapt and implement successful approaches used by TRIEC and others. By bringing local stakeholders together and supporting them in providing practical solutions, ALLIES is helping communities use the talents of un- and underemployed skilled immigrants.

To support communities across Canada, ALLIES is creating a learning centre around immigrant employment solutions. Included will be web-based “how to guides” on effective programs such as mentoring, internships, employer training and public awareness. Coaches will guide and mentor communities in the development of these programs, and to complement these activities, ALLIES will host a yearly learning conference to bring together communities and other key stakeholders.”

More about ALLIES

[Source: taken directly from ALLIES and TRIEC websites]

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