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Articles tagged with: urban

We are presenting at the 2019 PLAN Conference

June 12, 2019 – 1:32 pm | Comments Off on We are presenting at the 2019 PLAN Conference | 2,303 views

On July 6, 2019, Olga Shcherbyna and Nora Angeles will be presenting a workshop at the National PLAN Canada conference.

Location: Ottawa, 2019 PLAN Conference
Workshop: The Role of Local Governments in Leading Innovative Solutions in Newcomer Integration …

The Diversity in Place Film Fest Accepts Nominations

February 16, 2013 – 6:59 am | 1,687 views

The Diversity in Place Film Fest in collaboration with the Center for Place, Culture & Politics opens up its 5th annual international call for short films on URBAN UPRISINGS.
5th Annual Diversity in Place Film Fest …