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Creating a Diverse & Inclusive workplace

Submitted by on May 2, 2019 – 9:04 pmNo Comment | 1,589 views

Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace can be difficult to navigate. This course will help professionals in the workplace to understand how to support your team with creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. Topics that are covered are: What is Diversity?, What is Inclusivity?, What is equity? How to bring Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity in the workplace?.

Drew Fockler, M.Ed, EdD (candidate) is the Founder of Corporate Trainers. Drew has over 12 years of experience working within the private and public sector and conducting regular in-house training workshops on diversity and inclusion as well as receiving an award for his contributions to the LGBT community.

  • Nov 25, 2019 8:30 AM – 4 PM
  • Victoria BC

Email: Customersupport@corporatetrainers.ca | Toll-free 1-833-793-7229

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