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Articles tagged with: religion

Our Whole Society: Bridging the Religious-Secular Divide – Forum in Vancouver March 22-24, 2015

February 13, 2015 – 7:32 am | 2,249 views

What does it mean to build a “whole society”? What is the purpose of secularism, and what are its limits? How can we re-conceptualize the role of religion in Canadian public life? What is the …

Highly qualified Muslim immigrants face employment discrimination

February 24, 2014 – 9:11 am | 4,022 views

Last week, Quebec business interests sounded an alarm about the negative economic ramifications on the province of the proposed values charter.
First the Conseil du patronat and then the head of a cable and media company …

Douglas Todd: Bringing over patriarchal attitudes. Inequalities: Immigrants to Canada sometimes import social problems regarding gender, economist says

October 15, 2013 – 7:00 am | 2,436 views

Pakistan’s Malala Yousafzai has become the poster teenager for international women’s equality.
Shot in the head by a Muslim extremist for advocating greater educational opportunities for females, a Western media campaign arose to nominate Yousafzai for …

Open a prayer room for Muslim students helps promote inter-faith relations

February 14, 2013 – 7:08 am | 1,726 views

There are over 900,000 Muslims in Canada (or 2.8%) and we have increasing numbers of Muslim international students coming to study at our universities. Following the suit, many post-secondary institutions are offering prayer spaces for …

Ethnic and Religious Leaders Can No Longer Be Ignored in City Planning

February 5, 2013 – 6:50 am | 1,189 views

According to the Vancouver Sun: “Surrey’s Sikh community played a key role in defeating a proposed mega casino in the city’s last month.” In the interview, Surrey Coun. Barinder Rasode referred to the influence of …