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Articles tagged with: express entry

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business critics the new Express Entry Immigration Class

December 27, 2015 – 10:31 am | 2,904 views

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business, which represents roughly 109,000 small businesses, has traditionally supported the Conservative government’s business-friendly proposals, but it criticized the tightening of rules around temporary foreign workers.
‘It still prohibits lower-skilled workers …

Changing the rules on immigration changes Canada’s narrative

February 13, 2015 – 7:55 am | 2,407 views

Consider the story of Sarmad Chowdhury, covered earlier this week in The Globe and Mail. A foreign student to Canada, he completed his education from the University of Toronto in Scarborough. He has a job …

Express Entry System: More discretionary power for Canadian Government

January 3, 2015 – 10:34 am | 2,313 views

The government is granting itself more discretionary power to decide who gets permanent residency in Canada through a new Express Entry system that will fast-track applications for the most desirable economic immigrants and allow Ottawa …