Articles tagged with: conference
2015 National Metropolis Conference: Broadening the Conversation: Policy and Practice in Immigration, Settlement and Diversity: March 2015
The 17th National Metropolis Conference will focus on future immigration trends and policies and the challenges and opportunities that they create for Canadian society. The conference will include plenary panels with distinguished speakers and workshop …
D&I: The UnConference Vancouver – December 11th, 2014

UnConference [un-kon-fer-uh ns]. noun: a loosely structured conference emphasizing the informal exchange of ideas, rather than following a conventional conference structure.
D&I: The UnConference will be like no other diversity conference Canada has seen before: incredible …
Inspire 2014: An International Neighbourhood House and Settlement Conference

When: May 5-9, 2014
Where: Vancouver, BC
Join us for INSPIRE 2014, an INTERNATIONAL NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE AND SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE. Be a part of a global community of inspiring leaders working locally for social justice. Connect with innovative …
The 2014 Cities of Migration Conference

When: June 4-6, 2014
Where: Berlin
The world is on the move. Urbanization and migration have created a rich field for experimentation in cities around the world. Local communities are welcoming immigrants and creating the conditions they …
D&I: The UnConference: “Diversity & Inclusion in Canada: 25 years and still not that far along”

D&I: The UnConference will follow a regional model and take place in May and June 2014 in the following four cities:
Calgary – May 5 & 6 at the Calgary Marriott, Downtown.
Montréal – May 21 & …