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Inspire 2014: An International Neighbourhood House and Settlement Conference

Submitted by on April 23, 2014 – 6:36 amNo Comment | 3,696 views

When: May 5-9, 2014
Where: Vancouver, BC

Join us for INSPIRE 2014, an INTERNATIONAL NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE AND SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE. Be a part of a global community of inspiring leaders working locally for social justice. Connect with innovative and passionate people to strengthen and effect change in local neighbourhoods. Help shape, mobilize, integrate and build communities.

The International Federation of Settlement and Neighbourhood Centres Conference hosted by The Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC will provide an opportunity for people working in community development to engage in dialogue, share best practices, research, and develop ideas with colleagues from around the world.

The International Federation of Settlements and Neigbourhood Centres (IFS) is an organization of national, regional and local organizations working to strengthen communities around the world. Its mission is to build an inclusive global community by empowering, inspiring and connecting people who are working locally for social justice. IFS has been an NGO Member with Consultative Status at the United Nations for over fifty years and regularly participates in the global dialogue on human rights through this venue.


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