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Support the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

Submitted by on February 18, 2013 – 5:14 pmNo Comment | 2,236 views

“It’s an important month for Aboriginal and northern broadcasters In Canada. The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network is seeking a renewal of its network license: and in the same round of hearings, the CRTC will be considering a brand new application from the Governments of Nunavut and the NWT, seeking mandatory carriage of the proceedings of their respective legislatures on northern broadcasting systems.

The folks at Aarluk, Consilium and Stonecircle have had the honour of working with Canada’s Aboriginal broadcasters virtually since the movement began in the late 1970s. We’ll be supporting both the APTN proposal and the Territorial Governments’ request.”

Source: Consilium Consulting Group

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“Upholding cultural diversity is one of the key goals of Canada’s Broadcasting Act Broadcasting Act. It says that the Canadian broadcasting system should, through both programming and employment opportunities, serve the needs and interests, and reflect the circumstances and aspirations of:

  • Canadian men, women and children, including equal rights
  • the linguistic duality and multicultural and multiracial nature of Canadian society
  • the special place of Aboriginal peoples within society

So, in this context, cultural diversity refers to how different groups – like ethno-cultural minorities, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities – are represented in broadcasting.”
Source: Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Lear more about Cultural Diversity Canadian Government’s Policies on Television and Radio

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