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SFU Diversity Conference: Learning Together 2014 “in-difference: conflict and diversity”

Submitted by on December 12, 2013 – 12:00 pmNo Comment | 2,425 views

SFU ConferenceMay 9, 2014

Simon Fraser University, Surrey Campus

13450-102 Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Conference Theme

Today’s education landscape has become increasingly diverse. In the past quarter century we’ve seen an increase in degree-granting institutions, a growing international focus, and record breaking student demographics. From Kindergarten to postgraduate studies, we are living in the new mode of difference. A critical question, however, is whether all this diversity is starting to look the same. This is to say, have we become indifferent to difference? Against a standard of ‘sameness’, are we conflicted by difference? This year’s theme, “in-difference: conflict and diversity,” celebrates how our work and ideas can contribute to a better understanding of diversity.

Read more about the conference.

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