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Session for Immigrants: Learning about Community Resources

Submitted by on February 13, 2014 – 8:31 amNo Comment | 2,410 views

TroutLakeWelcomesNewcomers_4Sessions_PosterA great opportunity for new and established immigrants to learn more about FREE resources available to them in the KCC neighbourhood and throughout Vancouver. Each Thursday @ 6pm at Trout Lake Community Centre, participants will have an opportunity to learn from local experts and Centre’s staff about job search, credential recognition, ESL and other resources to help them better integrate into Canadian society.
When: Thursday till March 6th, 2014
Time: 6pm
Where: Trout Lake Community Centre

To register: call 604 257-6955 or come in person to Trout Lake Community Centre. Ask for Barbara, Recreation Intern and/or cite Trout Lake Welcomes Newcomers session on Thursdays & ask to register you manually.

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