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Rise in racism in Vancouver

Submitted by on February 8, 2013 – 9:32 amNo Comment | 1,988 views

CHINESE PEOPLE AROUND the world will welcome the Lunar New Year on Sunday (February 10), but some Vancouver residents are sensing a rising tide of Sinophobia in Canada.

It’s a feeling that has stirred up memories of historical wrongs, like the head tax of 1885 and the Chinese Exclusion Act, which replaced it in 1923 and shut the door on Chinese immigrants until 1947.

It’s a foreboding that has come out of such things as a Nanos Research survey for CBC in October showing that Canadians see China as the greatest threat to Canada’s national security, ahead of Iran. There’s widespread opposition to the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement inked by Ottawa and Beijing. There’s also a lot of hostility to a Chinese state-owned corporation’s $15.1-billion purchase of the Calgary-based oil-and-gas company Nexen Inc.

Source: Georgia Straight, Full article

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