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Positive attitude is one of the most important factors for immigrant success in Canada

Submitted by on December 3, 2010 – 9:30 pmNo Comment | 2,095 views

New study conducted by UBC phsychology professor Noram Amundson in partnership with immigrant-serving agency in Vancouver, SUCCESS, was released this Wednesday. The research looked at critical success factors for immigrant employability. The study found that a ‘can do’ attitude plays significant role in the immigrant’s ability to succeed in Canada and it is “more influential than a persona’s professional skills, education and previous work experience.”

Twenty participants who were interviewed were selected from 10 men and 10 women 20-45 year old and divided between those who settled in Canada in the past 10 years and those who came more than 10 years ago.

“Confidence, persistence, discipline and ability to maintain a good attitude in all situations were repeatedly mentioned throughout the interviews”.

Source: Vancouver Sun, Full article

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