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NSG Info Session in Central Vancouver

Submitted by on March 21, 2014 – 6:50 amNo Comment | 2,696 views

Do you have an idea how to make your neighbourhood more inclusive, sustainable and connected? Come and learn about the Vancouver Foundation Neighbourhood Small Grants for local residents. On Tuesday, March 27th, you will learn what projects were successful recipients of NSGs in the past, how the application process has changed this year and other information you should know when applying for NSGs.

This session is for applicants in the Central Vancouver area: W 1st to 41st Ave and Granville to Knight Street. Youth as young as teenagers and seniors (no age limit) are eligible for grants.

When: Tuesday, March 27, 2014
Where: Hillcrest Community Centre
Time: 7:15pm – 9:00pm
Room: 328

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