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Nominations being accepted for Cultural Harmony Awards

Submitted by on August 11, 2008 – 8:55 pmNo Comment | 1,806 views

The City of Vancouver invites community nominations for the 12th annual Cultural Harmony Awards. The Cultural Harmony Awards recognize outstanding contributions by individuals or organizations in promoting greater understanding, respect and cooperation among people of different cultural groups and backgrounds. All nominees must live or work in the City of Vancouver. (Self-nominations are not permitted.) Nomination forms and details on eligibility and requirements are available from the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) office at City Hall (453 West 12th Avenue, ground floor), or on the City’s website at: http://vancouver.ca/multiculturalism/culturalharmony/index.htm

Nomination packages must be received at the EEO office by Thursday, September 18, 2008. An independent jury will choose winners based on the nature, scope and impact of their achievements. Recipients are honoured through a special presentation at a City Council meeting. The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation will further recognize the recipients with a plaque and a tree planted in their name in the Cultural Harmony Grove on the south shore of False Creek. Previous recipients include: Trout Lake Knitters Group, Creative Peace Network, and Vancouver Native Health Society in the organization category; and Norma Sanchez, Sherman Siu Man Chan, and Sadia Ramirez in the individual category. The City of Vancouver is committed to encouraging the inclusion and participation of diverse communities in all aspects of civic life, and promotes cultural understanding and equity through civic policies, programs and services. The Cultural Harmony Awards are sponsored by the City and the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation. The awards were established by the City in 1996.

For more information: Corporate Communications 604.871.6336

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