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New to BC Library Champions Needed

Submitted by on September 23, 2013 – 8:54 amNo Comment | 2,843 views

The Library Champions project is currently looking for volunteers for the second cycle of recruitment. There is a particular need for new Champions at the Richmond Public Library. If you know of a newcomer who would benefit from volunteering and who would be able to help move this project forward, in Richmond, or any other participating library, please refer them to Branka Vlasic: Branka@facilitatenow.ca for more information.

NewToBC is creating awareness of Libraries and Settlement Services for Newcomers to BC. This project was developed by the Urban Libraries Settlement Partnership (ULSP), a partnership between the Libraries and Literacy Branch (LLB) of the Ministry of Education and the Immigrant Integration and Multiculturalism Branch of the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training. A project facilitator has been hired by Interlink, to run the training sessions and coordinate the project. Five library systems are taking part: Surrey, Delta, North Vancouver City, Richmond, Surrey and West Vancouver Libraries.

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