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New Program for IT immigrant professionals

Submitted by on May 20, 2009 – 9:58 pmNo Comment | 1,687 views

The Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. B.C. have launched a first-of-its-kind pilot program to help prepare internationally educated professionals for employment in Canada’s information and communications technology sector.

The Integrated Work Experience Strategy (IWES) pilot program is being hosted in Greater Vancouver and will run throughout 2009. It provides internationally educated professionals with an intensive introduction to Canadian workplace culture and the communication skills they require for success on the job.

The program also prepares candidates for specific occupations and arranges work placements with ICT employers. By December 2009, 30 participants will have completed the program. More …

The Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. B.C. have launched a first-of-its-kind pilot program to help prepare internationally educated professionals for employment in Canada’s information and communications technology sector.

The Integrated Work Experience Strategy (IWES) pilot program is being hosted in Greater Vancouver and will run throughout 2009. It provides internationally educated professionals with an intensive introduction to Canadian workplace culture and the communication skills they require for success on the job.

The program also prepares candidates for specific occupations and arranges work placements with ICT employers. By December 2009, 30 participants will have completed the program.

Source: Adapted directly from the Employment Paper

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