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New Immigration Rules in Canada

Submitted by on November 28, 2008 – 8:02 pmNo Comment | 1,986 views

Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, Jason Kenney, today announced that «…Canadian planned numbers for immigration in 2009 will stay on par with the last year. The numbers reflect a continued commitment to an immigration program that balances Canada’s economic, humanitarian and family reunification goals.»

The 2009 plan includes up to 156,600 immigrants in the economic category; 71,000 in the family category; and 37,400 in the humanitarian category.

However, it might become challenging for skilled immigration to get into Canada. According to newly-introduced rules visa officers are focusing now on candidates who:

— are in 38 high-demand occupations such as health, skilled trades, finance and resource extraction; or

— have an offer of arranged employment or have already been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or international student.

More information on CIC website

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