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Most Canadians in favour of limits on immigration: poll

Submitted by on March 11, 2013 – 10:37 amNo Comment | 2,341 views

Most Canadians are in favour of restrictions on the number of qualified immigrants accepted into the country each year, a new poll suggests.

A survey conducted by Forum Research for the National Post found that 70% of the 1,755 Canadian adults polled supported limits, and most Canadians who were born in another country (58%) agreed. Among those whose parents were not born in Canada, 66% were in support of limiting the number of qualified immigrants over admitting all prospective qualified newcomers, the poll showed. Roderic Beaujot, a professor emeritus of sociology at Western University whose research looked at population and immigration, says he was surprised that there was agreement between the various groups. Full article

Source: National Post, by Armina Ligaya

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