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Kiev-Vancouver Municipal Cooperation (pro-bono)

Submitted by on November 30, 2007 – 6:46 pmNo Comment | 1,789 views

Client/Contract Holder: Stewart Goodings
Project TimelineAugust 2007 — November 2007
Area of ExpertiseProject Management / Stakeholder Collaboration / International Development / Knowledge Sharing / Policy Development

The project was funded through the Association of University and Colleges of Canada. The aim of this project was to enable municipal leaders from the Central District of Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital city, to exchange experiences with their counterparts in the City of Vancouver. Both cities face a number of common issues: transportation, housing, homelessness, economic development, environmental hazards. The three pillars of this project are good governance, environmental sustainability and gender equality. While no city has a monopoly on these concepts, the long municipal evolution of Vancouver has enabled this city to develop strong policies in democratic participation, environmental awareness and gender opportunity. The program was also aimed to address how continuing contacts can be developed and maintained, so that both administrations can benefit from linkages in the future.
Olga Shcherbyna was brought on board to assist with visit coordination and logistics. She also contributed to the evaluation report about the initiative.



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