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Kensington Library Welcomes Newcomers – learn about jobs at VPL and resources for newcomers

Submitted by on September 23, 2013 – 8:34 amNo Comment | 2,305 views

Welcoming Cedar Cottage_LibraryPoster_Sept4_pngWelcoming Newcomers Cedar Cottage Initiative: Session I

Come and join us to learn about:
– library resources for newcomers
– job opportunities at Vancouver Public
Library and about Friends of VPL program
– meet an immigrant who is working at your local library
– share your experiences living and working in Vancouver

Date: THURSDAY September 26 2013
Time: 6pm – 7:30pm

Community Room 1428 Cedar Cottage Mews, Vancouver, BC Admission is free. Seating is limited. Light refreshments are provided.

To register email to oshcherbyna@cedarcottage.org

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