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Intercultural Dialogue through award-winning apps and games

Submitted by on April 25, 2013 – 7:24 pmNo Comment | 2,003 views

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), in partnership with Learning Games Network and MIT-Education Arcade, is pleased to announce the results and current updates of CREATE UNAOC, the apps/games for intercultural dialogue challenge.

Late last year programmers around the world were invited to share their vision of how mobile apps and games can raise awareness and enable new opportunities for intercultural dialogue. The winning applications were presented at the 5th UNAOC Forum in Vienna, Austria, since then several of the award winning apps/games have been fully developed and are now available for download.

Among the 5 Winners and 5 Honorable Mentions are apps/games allowing users to improve their knowledge of Arab culture (Ibn Batuta), to experience the world’s cultural diversity through the eyes of children (Touchable Earth) and to become aware of the global crisis for one of the most basic need: Water (Get Water!). Other applications highlight the importance of critical thinking in journalism (Reality) or invite young people to discover the rich multi-cultural corollary of contemporary Europe (Culture Shock).

View the apps and games

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