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Submitted by on February 28, 2013 – 11:35 amNo Comment | 3,165 views

The Inclusion Network is a fast growing network of Aboriginal Candidates and inclusive employers-of-choice. The number of Candidates registered on the Inclusion Network has increased by over 70 per cent in the past two years! Due to the efforts to recruit post-secondary Aboriginal grads for the Inclusion Works National Aboriginal Recruitment Fair, and get their resume on the network, most new Candidates have a degree from a university, college or technical institute in Canada.

With increasing numbers of employers engaging in Aboriginal inclusion and the business case to advance First Nations, Métis and Inuit employees, the Inclusion Network is the “go to” online meeting place for employers to connect with Canada’s future workforce.

Source: Inclusion Network

Full Article http://www.inclusionnetwork.ca/aboriginal-jobs/index.htm


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