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In Conversation: Multiculturalism in Greater Vancouver

Submitted by on February 13, 2014 – 8:38 amNo Comment | 2,270 views

ibpostersmallThe Canadian Race Relations Foundation, through its Interfaith and Belonging Initiative, is proud to announce In Conversation: Multiculturalism in Greater Vancouver a conference bringing together a broad group of people who share passion for and interest in multiculturalism, social harmony and prosperity in Greater Vancouver, a region recognized for its deep ethnocultural diversity.

The conference consists of panel discussions, workshops, and participant engagement that examine the successes and challenges of multiculturalism in Greater Vancouver. In Canada, multiculturalism was originally conceived as a social and political policy of integration aimed at encouraging participation of newcomers and minorities in the life of the nation, encouraging their adoption of Canadian civic values and increasing their sense of belonging.

When: Monday, 3 March 2014 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Where:Westin Wall Centre, 3099 Corvette Way, Richmond, BC

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