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Immigrant Talent Integration Project – BC HRMA’s pilot initiative

Submitted by on September 3, 2007 – 9:30 pmNo Comment | 1,663 views

The BC Human Resources Management Association (BC HRMA) and the BC Government’s International Qualifications Unit of the Ministry of Economic Development cooperated to carry out a comprehensive plan to increase immigrant professional labour market attachment within the BC HRMA’s 4,000 membership and 2,500 affiliates. Both Olga Scherbina and Patrick Coady were hired as project consultants.

Olga Shcherbyna will assume a project leadership role while Patrick will be in charge for coordination and facilitation of project activities.

The major goal of the project is to research the extent of the problem of foreign credential recognition within HR community in BC and to identify a viable training strategy to enhance the capacity of HR practitioners’ to recruit and retain immigrants. Funding for the project comes from the Federal Government’s department of Human Resources and Social Development.

This six month project, September 2007 to March 2008, includes outreach to the HR community, gathering information about promising practices (survey of HRMA members, environmental scan of companies and immigrant serving agencies with regards to existing practices to employ immigrants), recruiting champions from industry, initiating a ‘foreign credential recognition roundtable’, some initial training of HR professionals on successful or promising hiring and retention practices and reporting back to government about outcomes.

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