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Hiring & Retaining Skilled Immigrants A Cultural Competence Toolkit

Submitted by on April 29, 2009 – 10:14 pmNo Comment | 8,235 views

Olga Shcherbyna as a Research Assistant and Project Manager

The guide is a compendium of resources about culturally competent sourcing, hiring & professional development practices. It is a map for how to recruit and integrate Internationally Trained Immigrants (ITI s) into the workplace in a “culturally competent way”, where recruiters understand and make allowances for cultural differences of ITI and make an effort at each step of the process to go beyond cultural differences. The guide was developed for BC HRMA.

About BC HRMA: BC Human Resources Management Association (BC HRMA) is your source for Human Resources information and services in the province. BC HRMA, committed to providing leadership in HR excellence, is the foremost professional association for HR practitioners and those involved in the business of people.

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