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Forest sector seeks skilled immigrants

Submitted by on March 12, 2013 – 3:34 pmNo Comment | 2,464 views

Funds to help attract skilled immigrants into B.C. are assisting a local company.The Immigrant Employment Council of B.C. (IEC-BC) says Tolko Industries is one of 11 organizations to be awarded funding to help develop initiatives and resources to attract and integrate skilled immigrants into B.C. workplaces.

The Tolko project will involve the development of a multilingual recruiting website targeted at immigrants and the creation of an inclusive onboarding program to support immigrant integration with the company. Through this project, Tolko will also work to reach and encourage immigrant youth to consider a career in the forest products sector. “Our industry is experiencing a rejuvenation and offers many new and exciting career opportunities,” said  Tanya Wick, Tolko’s vice-president of human resources.  Full article

Source: Vernon Morning Star

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